Becoming a Parish Councillor
This May, local elections will be held. Laverstock & Ford Parish Council is a non-political council ensuring that councillors stand for election because they are passionate about volunteering to serve their communities, not to serve peoiplea political party's interests.
Could you be a local councillor?
YouTube: Be a Councillor(opens new window)
- Do you have a desire to help and become involved in your community?
- Do you believe in helping others to help themselves?
- Do you like a different challenge every day?
- Have you ever shouted at the TV and thought you could do better?
- Are you prepared to stand up and be counted?
- Are you self motivated?
- Are you prepared to take part in learning and development opportunities?
- Do you have time to spare? Your commitment could make a significant difference
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, it might be time for you to stand as a local councillor.
We need people at all levels, who are ready and willing to engage with the community and make tough decisions. This could be by campaigning on local issues, volunteering or attending meetings. It’s a rewarding voluntary role and can make a huge difference to your community.
We will be holding two opportunities for you to find out more about standing as a Parish Councillor here in Laverstock & Ford Parish in March (TBA). But in the meantime do get in touch with your local ward councillor to find out more, or see the documents below to check and see if you are eligible to stand as a Parish Councillor.
To qualify as a candidate you will need to be aged 18 or over, be and continue to be an elector for the area and, during the whole of the twelve months before the day of nomination as a candidate and live within a 3 mile radius of, have your principal place of work in, or own or rent land or premises in the parish.
here are a few links to some helpful guidance:
SEE HERE to hear from some of our current councillors about their role as councillor International Women’s Day – Being a Councillor