Volunteering Links
Want to volunteer and get more involved in your parish? Below is a list of opportunities and links to websites of organisations who work in our parish who would love your help and value your time.
Laverstock & Ford Communities Neighbourhood Plan
The Parish Council are currently seeking for residents to help them update the Neighbourhood Plan
The Parish Environmental Action Group
The Parish Council offers a selection of Open Talks, with guest speakers on all things environmental and is looking for a volunteer to organise a selection of talks and re-establish a residents group
contact Juliet by emailing communications@laverstockford-pc.gov.uk
Neighbourhood Watch
NHW is focused on building resilient communities to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour in such a way as to increase confidence in people and communities that everything is being done to support communities in being as crime-free and as safe as possible. Find out more here https://wiltshirenhw.org/or contact our local co-ordinator Ross Walker here ross.walker@wiltshirenhw.org
The Devenish Bradshaw Charitable Trust manage Laverstock Water Meadows and love volunteer support www.dbct.org
Wiltshire Wildlife and The Land Trust at the Castle Hill Country Park. The Land Trust manage the country park and offers a wealth of opportunities for local residents to get involved from tree-popping to joining the user group to designing and maintaining the Bike ‘Pump Track’. https://thelandtrust.org.uk/space/castle-hill-country-park/
You can contact Jake Taylor at The Land Trust on 07825 365155 or email Russell Brooks russellb@wiltshirewildlife.org
The River Bourne Community Farm at Cow Lane in Laverstock also have volunteering opportunities helping to feed the animals, and look after them. For more details contact the Farm Manager Lorna Gardner https://www.riverbournecommunityfarm.org.uk/volunteering
Old Sarum & Longhedge Community Pantry welcome adult volunteers to help them with their weekly Pantry sessions and related projects such as the Casserole Club contact Gemma by emailing oslpantry@gmail.com
The Boscombe Down Aviation Collection with its official Museum status awarded by Arts Council England in 2023 this wonderful collection of all things Aviation based at the historic Old Sarum Airfield in Hangar 1, is a must for aviation nerds looking to volunteer their time, from engineers to collection guides and event support, get in touch with berrymw@ntlword.com
We currently have two youth clubs running in the parish that welcome volunteer support; for Hampton Park Pavilion contact community@salisburycitycouncil.gov.uk Old Sarum & Longhedge Youth Club message via OldSarumYouthClub on facebook
We have two football clubs in the Parish, Salisbury Football Club and Laverstock & Ford Sports Club who both look for volunteer help with matches and events.
The Ray MacEnhill Stadium email info@salisburyfc.co.uk Laverstock & Ford Sports Club email info@laverstockandfordsportsclub.co.uk
There are also several Litter Womble groups within the parish, that can be found on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/921003785304800