Neighbourhood Alert Message system
Neighbourhood Alert is the secure messaging facility used to power the Wiltshire and Swindon Community Messaging system.
Published: 17 September 2024

Neighbourhood Alert is a secure messaging facility used to power the Wiltshire and Swindon Community Messaging system. Last year they held a national survey about your local police and their use of the Neighbourhood Alert system. here in Laverstock & Ford Parish we have regular contact with our neighbourhood Police team and the Neighbourhood Watch Co-Ordinator Ross Walker is very active despite the wide area he currently covers (see parish newsletter for contact details). The Message Alert system is one more layer of protection for residents that Wiltshire Police can offer.
Several of last year’s survey questions highlighted important perceptions about local policing, the quality and frequency of information and the usefulness of current messages.
Participation was part of the largest secure email survey in the UK, with over 108,000 people responding. Feedback has genuinely influenced improvements to the system, the way it is used by police and the ways it could potentially be used to improve your access to information and even speed up communication when you need to contact the police.
The results of the survey have been carefully analysed and presented individually to most police force and national policing leads and at our UK policing conference (click the image below to see a video review of last years conference where the initial results were revealed).
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These insights have influenced how messaging is delivered and highlight the importance of direct messages to, what will soon be 1.5 million registered members across the UK. For instance, the survey confirmed that 63% of Neighbourhood Alert members do not follow their local police on social media, and 91% of members trust Neighbourhood Alert messages compared to levels between 5% and 31% for social media channels.
Many police forces have already adjusted their approaches based on these findings, and many are reviewing their results to see how changes they are making have impacted public trust and perceptions. Members like you who contributed to this survey across the UK, have helped forces compare results and establish best practice.
You can see a summary pdf of the survey results below
For more information on the neighbourhood message alert system see here