Councillor & Vice-Chair
Laura Jones
Laverstock & Milford
33 Riverbourne Road, Laverstock
Laura has been a parish councillor since July 2021 and became vice-chair in 2023. She currently sits on the Community and Engagement Committee.
Laura believes in the value of community and seeks to be a positive force for good in this parish. She would like to encourage younger residents and those with children to become involved in local government to make our council more diverse and to better represent the community we live in.
Laura has recently taken on the role of being the Community Speedwatch Team Leader for the parish of Laverstock & Ford and is looking to grow a team of volunteers and target particular areas where speeding is a known issue in the community, she particularly enjoys gathering members of the community together to take part in group litter picks around the local area as well as organising various community events throughout the year.
Laura is the fundraising officer and an active member of the Milford Area Preservation Group which seeks to protect, preserve and enhance the character and amenities of Milford and the surrounding areas.
Laura works part-time and has a background in Biochemistry/Pharmacology.
Laura’s hobbies include organising events and being an active member of the Musical Theatre Salisbury group.
Register of Interests
Here is Cllr Jones a ward councillor for Laverstock & Milford appealing to more women to get involved in being a Parish Councillor